Thursday, November 20, 2008


It's odd looking back at March 18th 2008. No one knew what to expect. I remember cold feet and dirty snow. I remember small groups of people waiting at the prefect spot and huge groups of people waiting at imperfect spots. All waiting to see Johnny Depp and action.

What I remember most is me shooting a few photos and being the first person to post fuzzy shots of JD on the internet. Little did I know at that time that those same photos would be blasted around the world at light speed. I REALLY did not realize that those same photos would be put in one of Japan's largest glossy movie magazine's.

And I even knew LESS that my tiny little unknown blog would become a world wide buzz for the Johnny Depp fans.

Here is a mustachioed Johnny Depp seconds after arriving in Columbus for the first time.

After his hair cut on day 1.

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